faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2004-02-10 :: curiosekwe
Note: Ms. Lovejoy's is CLOSED until further notice. If you've requested a review that hasn't been done (whether or not it's on the pending list) please EMAIL me or LEAVE A NOTE-- those who do will go to the front of the list. Otherwise, well, I'm sorry. Don't blame me, blame my staff of reviewers who basically all vanished w/ little or no warning. I'll do the best I can to review everyone who has requested one, but I make no promises. Yes, this sucks. I KNOW. But hey, life sucks. So we should all be used to it by now.



The page is full of pictures of women, which I think is a very good design element. It seems that the pictures of women correlated perfectly with the author's mindset early in the diary but were not as important later on. The author keeps the pictures there even though they are a predominant part of her life, but they never get updated. The author addresses this issue when she admits that she is just being lazy by not changing it. If people are able to admit a flaw I think they should not be judged too harshly on it.

That said, the author also admits to being a poor speller and a person who does not capitalize anything unless she is in analytical mode. This is somewhat unforgivable, because admitting a problem and not correcting it is almost exactly like endorsing that problem. I would suggest capitalizing sporadically just to show that though you are lazy you still believe that grammar has something more to do with writing than just punctuation.

What the hell is a "curiosekwe"? Well she answered that somewhere and it has something to do with Native Americans, so look and find out for yourself.

Also, the entries are very long which is very time consuming. This is mitigated by the wide range of topics.

Grade: B-, at least you are conscious of your mistakes.


The lowdown is that there is this woman who starts a diary before she goes to

Senegal and has a lot of fun imemersing herself in a new culture. Eventually she meets a great guy and they get married. But it is not that simple because she likes a woman back in America (but she spells it "amerika"). Also she has a mess of trouble giving in a system of marriage which seems to be biased towards men, like I said before eventually they get married. When she gets back home she throws herself into putting her beliefs into action. Her beliefs being a somewhat standard leftist stance towards Bush, agreement with most of America about Iraq (it is a bad idea), resistance to the WTO, and dislike of consumerism and corporate America.

The funniest thing to me is that curiosekwe wants to help people without giving to corporate America in any way, because no matter how much she believes in her cause she still needs to eat. She also has the problem of dealing with how to put her ideas into action, unlike most young lefties she believes in non-violence, but she feels the urge to do something more. Which I feel is a great position to be, because change is usually built into a system in such a way that it requires patience and effort.

These ideas and causes she is also proclaiming, why should we accept them? It seems that Curiosekwe is making a lot of assumptions that are never verbalized. I am almost positive that she wonders about the legitimacy of her claims and the soapbox of righteousness that she argues from, tell us these thoughts. So that we don't fall into believing you are some tool parroting the anti-whatever that people tell you.

Grade:A, Though I hate it I like the feeling it creates.


Give me assumptions and reasons


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