faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-13 :: Suckaskitty

Kitty Litter

In an totally tangential way, this picture of a woman's back plus tree reminds me of the mutilated daughter in Titus, where her hands are replaced by branches. Besides the tree-woman connection, both images are elegantly creepy.
Generally the layout is organized and pleasant. Unfortunately, when your text runs across the image it's nearly impossible to read, because of the color. This happens a lot, especially with the long list of occasionally changing details on the right. The site counter is sort of ugly�and since the rest of your page is so pretty, it�s especially jarring. Love the general shape of the links, love the simplicity of the Heads/Tails spaces on the right.
Like me, you need to archive those entries. Plus, the older page is still the diaryland template�I assume luckydesigns has the html for the matching page.

The best entries let me live your life for a few minutes. When you rant it�s not over the top, when you�re sentimental it�s never saccharine. I feel like I know you, and that�s hard as hell to fake. While it's obvious you already knew how to write, you're further "warming up" to the format.
A few times you�ve had to backtrack and give explanatory information after the fact. It�d be easier if new readers had a way to find out the basic info. Also, the list on the right changes rather intermittently. Since you list things like the clothes you�re wearing it�s funny to see them stay the same all week. Other than that, I just want more-- more stories, more details, more hilarity. More I tell you!

I�ve touched on most things: Keep those orange words off that orange picture. New counter (they have other options, right?) Change the older page.
Finally, link to a page that gives new readers a short bio, or cast listing� at the very least, the 100 things about you. The point is to make it easy to find by putting the link right on your template. Your profile doesn�t even list favorite movies or authors�inquiring minds want to know! OH, and change your guestbook to match the page�you could use black and the color of your font, or find a pre-designed guestbook at beautify.

With 10 minutes worth changes and another month of entries, and Kitty will be a big fat A.

Jessica Lovejoy