faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-09-05 :: Techrat

someone's had too much to think

The layout lends itself to sensical navigation, and an entry box that is legible and appropriate. Change the size of the date, and the time, because they appear (on my screen) to be scrunched together. There's a coherent and complete "cast" page, a cleverly constructed biography page (under "tidbits" in the menu), a very exhaustive review page (unbiased, like you say, displaying the good and the bad comments on your journal) and a well-organized archive section. I am way impressed by your decision to archive older entries by grouping them into relevant "life phases." That choice demonstrates a circumspect, well-considered approach to your writing (and your life, probably), and I appreciate it. Sehr gut

Your writing style is difficult to espouse, really, not because you don't write well (you do), but because long stretches of entries are devoted to describing your daily activities. This entry makes me want to stop reading. And then you pop out something like this, which somehow successfully lures me back to age twenty-one. Your antics, your friends, your energy: all impressive. In this entry your writing oozes with flavor. I also like your experiments with diction. For a short period of time, you wrote in the plural, which was at least structurally interesting. Because you are articulate, I read and read, hoping that I could find more than one or two entries that satisfy my "need to know" personality. Either I failed to find them, or you neglected to write them. This is unfortunate, because your narrative voice has all the markings of a witty, clever writer.

I know it is fun to go back, a year later, and read about who you spoke to, and what activities you engaged in, on X day. But wouldn't it be much more fun, much more meaningful, if you could engage yourself in thought processes and emotions of days past? As a reader, it is, of course, boring to read about what your friends are doing, and who you spoke to. However, given your talent for the succinct exposition of sentences, I suspect that your life would feel more interesting not only to me, but to you if you put a little more than superficial fluff into each entry. Do it for you, baby.

You get a "D" for content, and a "B" for writing style.
