faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2004-01-09 :: splash-girl
Note: Ms. Lovejoy's is CLOSED until further notice. If you've requested a review that hasn't been done (whether or not it's on the pending list) please EMAIL me or LEAVE A NOTE-- those who do will go to the front of the list. Otherwise, well, I'm sorry. Don't blame me, blame my staff of reviewers who basically all vanished w/ little or no warning. I'll do the best I can to review everyone who has requested one, but I make no promises. Yes, this sucks. I KNOW. But hey, life sucks. So we should all be used to it by now.

Dance With Me


Ahh, the yellow goodness of this site. Normally I wouldn�t be attracted to this color, but the soft golden hue brightened up my day. The template from Lucky Designs coupled with the image from Getty Images makes for a great layout (in my humble opinion) and offers many the link without much of the clutter that you see on other blogs. All the links worked and you have your archives in order, so I was a happy boy while browsing through your diary. In fact, the only thing I can really complain about is that it was designed by someone else and not by you. A more personal design would lend a little more insight into who (and what) you are, as well as a bio page. Please? But so far your layout works and we�ll leave it at that.


Unfortunately, while your design flows like feng-shui, your entries aren�t up to par. Don�t get me wrong, your grammar and structure are pretty good. I had no problems following along with your posts, and you space out your paragraphs well too. But stability seems to be one of your downfalls. You post in bursts and then leave for days (sometimes months?) at a time. I�m guilty of this as well, but I�m working on it. I think you should too. Sometimes absence is due to a lot of things, like school and work and moving and meteor showers. It�s understandable, but think of it this way: It doesn�t have to be some huge, Pulitzer winning entry. Heck, you showed me you could do it with this. Sharp and to the point. I couldn�t help but laugh because I empathized with your words. Good stuff� I would have loved to see more like it.

But I didn�t. Too many of your entries felt as if you were just going through the motions of a chore. �This is what I did, and this is who I talked to, and this is my life day after day�� A lot of diaries are like this, and that is why they don�t get many readers at all. And while you may not care about attracting readers, you did ask for a review. *evil laugh* So I�m going to try and help you out. This entry had a lot of promise. I found your philosophizing and insight very intriguing� a golden nugget I wasn�t expecting. Other posts were rewarding too. I�ve noticed that when you�re inspired, you expend a lot of energy and emotion into your writing, and it�s really good stuff. I think you have a hard time finding your muse and when you add a little laziness into the mix, you just settle for the obligatory �blah.�


My only suggestions to you, my love, is to just give your diary a little more time and effort. You have the tools and you have the ability (which can only improve with time), so kick it in gear. An intelligent mind is a terrible thing to waste, and there are plenty of people who would love to hear your ideas if you would just express them (along with a little panache for spice). There is potential brewing here and I plan on following along with your blog for a while to see where it goes.

A good design can�t make up for mediocre writing. Once again, your average diary that could be a whole lot more than it is.
