faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-08-22 :: fran-nobody

My Mom Jesus

Well, hm, you�ve moved to a new diary, so I guess this review isn�t so important now, but what the hell. It�s my damn fault for taking so long (sorry, I was moving), plus you have a good reason for switching�I hate the idea of certain �real life� people reading my stuff, too. Anyway, you asked for this review to get some ideas for improvement, and- wherever you�re writing- that�s still a good thing.
As for the template, it�s neat, and has everything necessary (by olive-oline). Weezer is a pretty great band, so I respect that choice. However, unless a diary is about some band, I generally don�t like templates themed as such. It comes off like the layout is an afterthought, and tells us nothing about the author, except one, tiny aspect of their taste. Hopefully, for your new diary you�ve picked something more personally relevant, and equally well organized. OH, and I love the title. Hee.

OK, here�s the important part. For some reason, I always end up picking the diaries done by smart, cool girls who- for some tragic reason- have horribly, disproportionally low self esteem. Inevitably, this both breaks my heart and twists my knickers�I want to reach through the monitor and shake some sense into these authoresses. Haven�t you read yourself? Don�t you realize that you are a cool ass bitch? For example, if anyone wants to know what yours truly, Jessica Lovejoy, sex goddess and wordsmith extraordinaire, felt like at the precipice of adolescence, read this. Which is why, dear fran, I can assure you that life gets soooo much friggin better for chicks like us. You probably already know this, though, since you mention that you, �can�t wait till college.� Right on.
Anyhoo, the main issue with your prose is that you seem to rush through things. Maybe it�s because you�re not expecting many strangers to read this, maybe you�re just distracted. But I guarantee that you could easily avoid most of the typos and/or spelling mistakes (like "waisted" when you mean "wasted.") with just an extra second of thought. (And, yes, of course �infuriating� is a word!!) Sometimes, you start writing an entry that�s truly interesting, entertaining and engaging, but then you back off, or cut it short, leaving the reader frustrated and wishing for more. My guess is, it�s that self esteem thang again, holding you back from doing your best work, which is a shame, since you�re clearly very intelligent.
By the way, the cripple fetish thing isn�t new�check out the (really bad) movie Crash, or the (decent) book it was based on. Don�t say I didn�t warn you, though.

Now that you�re starting over, with more privacy, this is the perfect chance to kick some serious ass. I want you to throw yourself into this diary. Throughout the day, when things are going shittily (as things so often do) imagine how you�ll write about them. Work out your problems in your entries-- float theories, try ideas out, have conversations with your readers and with yourself. Take the time to read and reread your entries, put your whole damn heart in them. Write about your worst fears, the shit that makes your blood boil, the funniest experiences you�ve had. Soon enough (especially if you can swing some banners, well worth the cash) you�ll have a healthy audience, people who�re really interested in your insights (which you have plenty of). Not only will it feel good to finally �meet� people who are actually as smart as you (not an easy feat in high school, I know), but your diary will become the outlet you definitely need. I wish like hell I�d had an online diary when I was in high school. Use this opportunity!

But I�d bet the new one is at least a B+. And, trust me, you�re A material, girl. Please come back for a new review with the new diary-- we�ll keep it anonymous. (You can email me to let me know who you are privately�because I do want to read your new stuff!)

Jessica Lovejoy