faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-08-18 :: waving

out of focus


The layout is a bit confusing, since some parts of it are images that are links, and others are just images without links. There isn't any sort of organized navigation, which throws me off a bit. I'd suggest standardizing navigation -- there is room in an original design for straightforward navigation. Also, the previous entries seem to be centered within that row, which looks awkward, especially when the date is under the entry. I'm not quite sure what the image (a photoshopped rose next to a cloud that reads "infatuated," under a script font that reads "Puppies and Dollars.") is intended to signify, or suggest. It seems random, and if that's your intention you have succeeded. I do appreciate that you designed your template yourself.


You've got quite a few careless sentence flaws, and more than a few spelling oddities. My favorite one (sorry) is in this entry, in which you state that "the simple perfection of our artistic habbit tames the animalistic nature that resides within us all." (sic) I keep giggling and thinking of an animalistic and artistic rabbit with a paintbrush, madly stroking a canvas that is a human body. And sometimes I think that your writing satisfies some urge to be some grandiose Emersonian transcendentalist, at once executing flowery declamations and brilliantly solving the Questions of Human Nature. Give yourself a break, really: you don't need to be profound to be insightful. Think about what you mean when, in this entry , for example, you declare: with every move i make, there's something in my mind's eye. some gross exageration, of a reality gone too dry. Reality? In terms of hydration?

Very occasionally, you're insightful in a way that makes me wonder if there are actually two different writers who contribute to this diary. I really like the second paragraph of this entry, for example. Why don't you write more about music? I couldn't figure out the link to project:sigma, but it seems that you're involved in music-making of some sort or another.


In general, be more careful, and more precise. You have a somewhat advanced sense of diction, so it really surprises me when you can't spell words like "habit." In fact, I'm baffled. True morons aren't capable of writing complex sentences, so you're clearly not a moron. My sense is that you write flippantly, issuing sweeping mandates rather than engaging in detailed examinations. You don't pay much attention to details in the content of your entries, and you pay even less attention to details in even basic stylistic considerations, such as spelling, or the creation of complete sentences. This is not to say that you're incompetent, or pathetic (like 90% of other teenagers demonstrate in their diaries). On the contrary, it is clear to me that you are insightful, and you can write beautifully (as you mention in this entry). You merely need to be a little more precise. You know the difference between Macroscopic and Microscopic? I think you have the Macro thing down pretty well; but work on the Micro element. And don't worry about reviews, dude. We like you just fine.

When i see potential, I'm even more easily disappointed and demanding.
