faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-22 :: Ghostiness

Dramatic Un-Enactment

A vivalicious design, very neat, with a large picture�I�m sure quite sure what to make of the picture, frankly. I assumed it was a band of some sort, but now I�m thinking it�s just a nice picture. Really, I�ve been looking at it for a while, and I have no friggin idea�maybe I�m just culturally ignorant, thanks to years of hermitage. But it�s a nice layout, well organized and everything, in classic beautified style�plus the font is easy to read. On the bottom you have the popular Random-Surrealism Generator and that counter I find so ugly (not that it�s your fault). All-in-all, very nice.

Huzzah! A woman with a strong voice, fresh viewpoints, the chutzpah to share them! And least, usually-- this broke my heart- never, ever, ever edit an entry to make it less �harsh� or �offensive�! Your entries often bring up subjects that are very interesting�and it�s so nice to read something beyond the gossip, whining, and boring daily rundowns that clog Dland. On the other hand, I often find myself itching to write and disagree with your conclusions, or at least point out things you should take into account. For example, while I totally relate to your loathing of �girly� shit (this entry) and have even written about it myself, there�s so much you don�t touch on, like Why this happens, and What should be done. And I totally disagree with your inclusion of Tenacious D, a unique and brilliant comic band into a list of mindless fuck music. (thisentry)-- plus, there is some good rap, it�s just very rare (like with all genres). You certainly seem to idealize past generations, which I can relate to�at least, I could, before I started studying history, haha. But, just the fact that you�ve made me care enough to disagree is impressive. I think you�d benefit from more interaction with your readers�since you actually express strong opinions (YAY!) you should initiate a give-and-take with the audience. This way, you�ll refine (no, I didn�t say change) your judgments, and open up important issues to conversation. And communicating with your audience is what it�s all about, right?

So, for that, I�d suggest you either activate comments on Dland (if you�re willing to pay for gold membership), or get a free forum from bravenet (though you�ll get pop-up ads). Point is to engage the reader, and develop your own convictions. I like the idea (here) of �ranting� about something each day, but only if you give a fully thought out and defended rant�you�re well on your way, but still need to flesh things out. I love when chicks are sure of themselves, proud and brazen�just expand.
As for the look, I�m just not sure how the image relates to you. See if your designer would mind you switching to a more personal image, or at least explain why you�ve chosen this one.
A few random things: Do NOT give your real name and location (here)! You�re asking for creepy perverts to hunt you down, sad but true. Make up a pseudonym (what, you though Jessica Lovejoy was my real name? :) Archive your older entries, and maybe do a �best of� page. And never, ever apologize for your ranting. Embrace it!

You�re well on your way to greatness�keep it up, be brave and outspoken, and bring your readers into the conversation.

Jessica Lovejoy