faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-23 :: Gumphood

Gump's Hood

I absolutely love the layout on your site--the devil bathing in what I am assuming is an island-inspired drink; it is humorous and the color scheme works very well--very easy on the eyes and pleasing to my artistic side. The navigation drop-down menu at the top makes it easy to search through your site and find all of the interesting extras you have created. This also helps to keep your layout uncluttered. You have all the necessary contact information available as well.

Your writing is somewhat cynical, but with a humorous tone that makes it more enjoyable to read. You are definitely not afraid to express your opinions and you do so in a style uniquely your own. I adored your Simpson's Episode entry. I was a fan of the Simpsons early on in their tv career. I no longer have the time to watch it, but after reading your creative episode proposal, I just may have to start watching it again. I also enjoyed your Pan Seared Trout entry. I have never laughed so hard in all my life as I did while reading this. All in all, I read about 30 entries. Some were everyday life--with pictures no less, some were interesting antedotes, and some were filled with humor and, yes, more of your cynical writing style. You even have good grammar skills!

I really don't have any suggestions to make. You have everything here to make for a great reading and browsing experience. I am sure your writing style may not appeal to everyone, but for me, it was delightful.

I would give you a solid A, but there is always room for improvement.
