faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-23 :: Maybeactor

Bring it, bring it�

The design�s pretty spare. I like that there�s little to draw the reader away from your words, but you might think about trying out a design that shows us more of you. It�s hard to get a firm grasp on what you�re all about without reading a good number of entries: Some design would help. It�s clear that you�re used to writing for newspapers; some of your entries read like headlines. That can be funny at times. Your spelling and grammar are fine � there�s room for a little improvement on both ends, but not if it will discourage you from writing. None of the small flubs interfere with your point coming across. Besides, this is supposed to be fun!

I went to your archives and started from the beginning, but it took me a good number of entries to get a handle on who you are. Part of that could be addressed with design, as I mentioned above, but part of it�s because we don�t have a lot of detail to work with. I loved the idea of New Stages once I figured it out, but a little information would have been helpful. Your guestbook is a busy place, and that�s great news, because it indicates that you have readers following along. I do wonder if you would write in greater detail if you were less concerned about who�s reading. I�d love to see you have a journal where you could be as free as you want. You�ve got some huge life changes coming up � moving away from family, starting college � and having a place to work out all the wacky crap that�s going to happen would make for good reading and give you a chance to consistently work on your writing. Don�t be afraid to tell us when something�s not right, as you did here. Mocking therapy sessions is a classic writer�s tool � don�t let go of an opportunity to dig into the scummy tub our brain resembles so easily. You�re an actor, and actors spend a lot of time digging around in the unconscious. On the flip side, you can also be funny. I loved the Taco Bell call-in entry � this is exactly the kind of thing I did as a bored high school senior in a smallish town. We all get a little punch drunk from time to time, and sharing our stupidity with strangers is part of what blogging�s all about! The stories are a great idea, too.

In your earlier posts (dating back to 2002), there are pictures and links to be found. Not so much recently. It was great to see you at orientation. Keep the pictures coming. They�ll help flesh out the world for your reader. Joining a diary ring or two would be a way to pull in more readers, and you might find that there are other Diaryland people out there who write and could give you feedback. I enjoyed reading you and will stop by occasionally to see how you�re holding up. Enjoy yourself.

