faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-09-15 :: smart-sane

Experiment X

Right off the top, you've managed to use a feature I have upbraided people for using. Unfortunately, you've also managed to use it in a way, quite honestly, I haven't seen anyone use it before. This it, the fixed, non-tiling, background image, has been so abused by site designers. Everyone thinks it's so cool to have the text scroll over the image; it's a severe pain in the ass to read. But, the solid background behind your copy strips away every complaint I have with using fixed backgrounds.

I have no complaints whatsoever about your site design either. The colors are cool and relaxing, entries are easy to read, navigation is intuitive and functional, design is clean and uncluttered. I may be stretching things, but you have several broken images in your early posts (May and June). I really had to search to find something. By god, you almost let me down.

I'm also impressed that your guestbook uses the same color theme as your diary. Now that I know it's possible to customize them a bit, I'll start looking for it in future site reviews.

Three things jumped out at me while reading your posts: run-on sentences, capitalization, it's vs. its. Your first post mentioned run-ons and you certainly kept to your word. Proper capitalization seems to flicker on and off like a dying flourescent light bulb. You do use it correctly often enough that it's probably just unconcern when it's absent. And lastly, it's versus its.

I compared usage of it's and its throughout the history of your diary. You are very consistent in your misuse. Here's a quick refresher: it's is a contraction of it and is. Anywhere you use it's will also make sense using 'it is'. Its denotes possession (e.g. Did you remember to bring its leash?) Its is the indefinate possessive pronoun. It's is a contraction. You actually misuse 's elsewhere in your entries, but this was most notable.

Despite the occasional grammatical hiccup, your entries are very witty, insightful, and interesting. A few actually garnered a chuckle. Your topics fly all over the place from the mundane to the esoteric; the diversity keeps them fresh and interesting (especially when read in bulk). So keep doing what you're doing.

Could you break a few images? Perhaps start writing lIkE tHiS. Good reviews are so much harder to write than bad ones.

