faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-10-03 :: artlifelove

Art and life and love

I actually looked back at your request for a review (holy crap, are we that far behind?) and it sounds like you're specifically asking Empress Meeyapede AKA Ms. Lovejoy herself to review you. I'm going to go ahead and ML can editorialize if she likes.
My comments are in italics. Reen is a cool chick, leaving me nice comments and such, so I'm happy to oblige. Plus, it's so nice to feel wanted!
With the background behind the words it can be a little hard to read, especially the links, which show up in white. Spelling is occasionally wrong. Capitalization is inconsistent, but let me look back at the more recent entries...yeah, you capitalize your sentences but proper nouns are hit-and-miss. I'm feeling extra-picky today. That scroll bar...not the one in the text box, the one on the right...is totally superfluous. It's not yours, though; it's mine, IE just makes it mandatory. Thank you for coloring it so nicely. The page looks great. (Actually, I tried changing my screen resolution to 640x480 and you do need the scroll bar for that...)
Mozilla does not like your div tag that has your entry in it at all. Mozilla doesn't seem to like anybody's text boxes period, so it's not your template that's the problem. The "about" link (from 9/10) didn't work. It's just an entry link, though. All of your template links work fine. And your guestbook matches and everything! I hereby declare you a stylish individual.
Actually, I wish the text box was a bit bigger. The page looks great, but it's sort of annoying that I need to scroll after every 5th sentence, you know?

As a crusty ancient mariner, I occasionally run aground in the perhaps insufficient depths of your diary. You say what you did but not so much about how you felt about it. Well, I take that back. You describe feelings: pain, lust, happy, sad. And I'm certainly not saying you should wear black and write in blank verse. (Aah, I second that. The world does not need another woman who hates life simply because she doesn't have a boyfriend. Oy.) My personal take on you is "social butterfly", but I'm supposed to review your diary, not you personally. Such a fine line...
There is definitely what the shrinks call a "lack of affect". But it's clear that you expect that people you know will be reading your diary. And this seems to prevent you from expressing any anger or fear. You're a member of the "antidepressants taste good" ring, so maybe that's got something to do with it.
Wow, you have a lot of rings. Did you really try to pierce your own nipple? What's up with that?
Yeah, I think you need more writing on themes and the like. Really, your readers couldn't give a shit about your friends- they're there to read about Y-O-U. If you simply must discuss your social life, again, do it in the abstract- why do these people matter do you? What do you look for in friendships? Hell, what does "friendship" even mean? Don't be afraid of abstraction. I want to know more about your wonderful brain, and less about the people you hang with.
Also, be extremely careful with the nipple ring! (I speak from experience, as my ex-fiancee had one) If a callus develops (as it often does) you'll end up with one giant nipple and one normal one, condemning you to a life of lopsided breasts. Eew. If you really want nipple jewelry, stick to those little loopies you can put around each one (though the chain attaching them is optional).

I've met Dr. Jekyll, now I wanna see Ms. Hyde. In the future you'll want to look back and think, "Gosh, my life is so much better now," right? You can't gain perspective if your hindsight is wearing blinders. (That's possibly the worst mixed metaphor ever. I apologize.)

Maybe have another, secret, diary (for all I know you've already done this) if you absolutely can't be yourself in this one. Or else maybe I am just overly cynical and and jealous of your fabulous life.I would hate-hate-HATE the idea of people in my "real" life reading my diary. It fact, I've the shivers right now just thinking about it. I don't think you necessarily need a new diary- just stop writing so much about your friends and I guarantee they'll stop reading it. People are funny that way.

Try some variations on "lol". "Hee hee" and "That is pretty damn hilarious" are good. "Lol" tends to get overused.I LOATHE the term "lol," and can't understand why so many genuinely smart, cool chicks like yourself use it. If anything, stick with "haha," "heehee," and (my personal favorite) "hehheh." Better yet, unless the context demands an explanation of tone (ie. you're being sarcastic and want to make it clear) just be funny and let the reader laugh out loud.

Finally, with a name like "artlifelove" I was hoping there'd be a lot more on...well, art, life, and love! Here's a good exercise: go to a museum with your friends, then come home and write an entry without mentioning those friends. Instead, write about the paintings that moved you, the sculpture you thought was ugly, and the sketches you're doing in response.
Maybe, at the end of each entry you could quickly just list the events of the day and people you were with. This way, the information is on record, but you're freed up to write about the truly important things: your ideas. You already do so, to a certain extent, you just need to do more.


That's a B for style and a B- for substance.
Good call, Jerry. I also think Reen should come back for a rereview in a few months, after you've separated out the boring daily stuff and focused on your internal life.


Plus some of Jessica Lovejoy's fantastic blather.