faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-28 :: Brdwaybebe

The World According to Christy

It�s funny, because this is a Christian layout, but has really dark colors, black and red. Plus, there�s a surprisingly amusing cartoon (by this guy), but most of the image is actually of little devils. It�s quirky. It�s also neat and orderly, with everything in place as it should be. I was very content�until I got to the scroll, that is-- sigh. It�s not your fault, and it looks fine, but these scrolls can be a massive pain in the rump. Since you make your own designs I�m sure you could change it. The problem is, especially for a new reader, the process just isn�t natural, since you have to scroll once for the layout and once for the entry. I�ve seen this a lot in diaries, and it always annoys me. Then again, I�m a frightfully picky girl, so take this with a grain of salt.

Obviously, your audience is coming to you for a proudly Christian perspective. Best of all is the opportunity for you to teach something, communicate something about your faith. This is a great example�lots other denominations wouldn�t understand adult baptism, and here you explain it, in a clear and conversational tone. It�s interesting to see the role faith plays in your life, the way it seems to touch all these prosaic little daily things. This was hysterical, where a dying Neopet�s �contentment� signifies it�s religious leanings. And you run an online bible study, so you�re obviously communicating with your audience. A person needs not be a Christian to read this, but they certainly must be interested in Christianity and in the life of a religious chick. No, not everyone will like it, but for what you�re doing, you�re doing it well.

I think the main goal is to find your audience. Diaryland is a good place to start, but have you registered here? Also, check out blogs4god.com and the weblog index at jesusjournal.com. And never say Jessica Lovejoy doesn�t do her homework� we aim to please here at the Lovejoy School of Reviews.
ARRrrr, and fix the scrolls. Maybe just a different color� clearly you�ve got design skills, so I�m sure it�s doable. Hey, while you�re improving, why not take it to the next level? Include a new bible verse daily, not occasionally at the end of an entry, but as part of the layout? Maybe add a forum- the tag board is a nice start, or you could put the comments on the actual page. Las thing�your name-�[The World] According to Christy�- doesn�t really tell us anything about the diary. Anyway, you�ve found your niche and are doing a darn good job.

I�m a tough critic, so take it as quite high praise. And you were very close to a B+. And this coming from a heathen! :)

By the way, I find it odd that your favorite actors are John Travolta and Nicole Kidman�aren�t they both Scientologists?

Jessica Lovejoy