faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
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shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-17 :: Joeydafool

Joey Cudichini's Whore House

Well, logically--and I am inclined to be logical--the hierarchy of information presented in this diary is way skewed. The title, date, and time of each entry occupies more browser space than the entry itself. And the previous and next buttons are more than twice the size of the entry. The enormous (and ugly) montage of cartoon images at the top throws shadows on the content of the diary. Maybe this isn't a bad thing. When I arrived at this diary, my eyes had no idea where to begin. Black and white and blue and orange and yellow and red. Jesus christ. Punk design can be done well; in this case, it is not. And why are some people so enamored with the overused Southpark characters? Does the diarist have this image on his page because he wants to be this boyish icon for twelve year-old losers? Does he admire him? Some Southparkis funny. Then again, The Simpsonsis funny, too, and the "Eat my Shorts, Man" t-shirts were laughed out of the cultured world sometime in the late 1980s. Sigh. This design ought not surprise me, though: theatre people are usually attention whores, with inflated senses of self, so they often miss the point. All your links work, and the cast page is helpful.

Joey's diary entries are cute. They're all about girls, wrought with darling theories and expositions about how girls think, and how they make the lives of boys very miserable. Props to the author for demystifying the female condition. Oh, look, he does it again and again and, again. Only very occasionally are the author's decrees remotely amusing.

Devote your acting talents to a film about the habits of women in Italy, Texas, and Britain. Wear a "Who Killed Kenny?" t-shirt. Fix your layout, drop your opinion of yourself about fifty notches, and perhaps you've got potential for potential. Or not.

Grade: D+
Your blithe ignorance and inflated sense of self are striking and, well, cute. But the writing kinda sucks.


All opinions expressed above are those of the reviewer, and not Ms. Lovejoy's Reviews. Even when we totally agree with them.