faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-07-19 :: Theoddone72

Various Rantings

My first impression was this template is far too simplistic for you, and then I remembered, you are theoddone. So I decided to sit patiently for a few moments and allow your layout to speak to me, and when it did, it whispered I am zen. So I am accepting of it. All the basics are there (recent, archive, profile, guestbook, design credit and host credit). You have some wonderful goodies on your extra page (song list quiz, cast, quizlets, reviews, rings, books to read, but I was most impressed with the Write Congress link) and you have an AIM link which means you are open and acceptable to being contacted. Even your archives are neatly arranged. Very orderly diary. And then I wondered how long can one remain so orderly without exploding. Yes, I am quirky that way.

It is easy to tell by reading just a few entries how into music you are (especially since Music is the first mention of every entry), as well as how into Chuck you are. ::grins:: What I love about your writing, besides how grammatically correct you are, is that although you write a lot about daily events, you put your emotions into your writing (not overly, but just enough). When you are enthusiastic, sad, upset, etc., one can definitely tell. You are not pretentious at all, nor are you full of angst as many diarists are on Diaryland (not that there is anything wrong with angst, it's just that after a while, something lighter is a breath of fresh air). I loved this entry and this one. They were full of spunk and excitement, obviously radiating off of your own energy from the adventures.

You have a new website that you created out of boredom at work that would make an excellent "About" page and you have a picture of yourself linked, but one has to read several entries to find them both. I suggest that you link both on your "extra page" so that they are easier to find. I read about 10 entries, and never did find any of that exploding energy that I was anticipating (a few close hits, but nothing near as explosive as I thought), and then I thought, well, perhaps you really are that zen. I do think though that you are writing a bit too much for your audience and less for yourself, but you are on the road to finding your own voice. Your diary is a delight to read and interesting enough to hold one's attention.

I found nothing majorly wrong with your diary. All the links work, you are grammatically correct, your layout is neat and tidy. There is always room for growth, but you are definitely at the top of the class. Keep working on your voice; you are well on your way of finding it.


This diary started a mini-ruckus at Ms. Lovejoy's, debating whether you deserved a B+ or, as Ravyne thought, an A-. We went with the lower score, not to discourage you, but to ENcourage you to do even better. No hard feelings?