faery-lights - 2004-03-12
curiosekwe - 2004-02-10
splash-girl - 2004-01-09
shaynasanerd - 2003-12-24
poetgrl224 - 2003-11-30
2003-08-01 :: Mentalblank

Mental Blank

I can almost whole-heartedly recommend this template. Great choice. You�ve mentioned possibly changing it after all your reviews are done, but for my money, hold on to it a while longer. The California roll image rocks � twice while I was reading, someone walked by, gaped at my monitor and said, �is that sushi?� I also like the green pinstriping; it renders well on almost all screens and is guides the eye without being distracting. The only nitpick is that you have a lot of unused screen space, and since your entries tend to be long, you might want to enlarge the text entry area. That�s it. Well done. Your writing is also clear and easy to follow. Of the 30 or so entries I read, only a handful had grammatical or spelling errors. Clearly, making things easy for your readers to follow is important to you. I also flipping love the disclaimer you�ve linked to; it ought to be a required link for everybody on Diaryland. In general your links are useful and interesting � and for a nice change, all of them work. That�s become all too rare in others� blogs.

You have some serious archives. I can�t remember the last time I found a blog with entries back into the �90s. Blogging is clearly an important part of your life, and I can certainly respect that. Giving your reappearing cast members such distinctive names was an early decision and one well made. Who doesn�t know someone whose name should be Fuck Nut? There�s a wide range of entries here; everything from disappointment - and damn, did reading it bring back memories � to deeply personal questions about your future. These entries are reflective of your writing as a whole. It�s clearly restorative and emotionally necessary for you; your journal�s become a safe place for you to vent all the fear and anger, grief and joy that enters your life. Thanks for giving your readers so much to work with. It seems as if you�ve found some online friends who help you, too, which is a bonus.

You have a ton of good stuff buried in your links. Having some detail in your Dailies - for instance, about what you find appealing in these blogs � would be a great guide and might encourage readers to follow the links more often. There were so many here that I didn�t know where to start, though I bookmarked to come back later. It�s clear that your life deals you some heavy shit. I can�t fault you for needing a space to write about it, but I�d ask that you remember to pass good stuff our way, too. You might also want to keep your bio a little more updated � it would help new readers to get an overview of who you are and why you�re writing. You could also tell us about why you review and ask for reviews � there are so many here that an explanation could be interesting.

Like the bitchiest professors, I only give straight A's when someone's kissing my ass. But you were very, very close.
